Photo Wall

Seminary President and myself.

Girls Camp Youth Leaders (I’m on the left!)

Youth Conference

My family seeing my brother off on his mission to Caracas at the airport

Oakcrest Camp

Me at the Utah Boys’ Ranch

Playing Playstation

And here are a few more, just for fun.

Myself and my sister at a family birthday dinner

My sister, brother, mother, nephew, and myself at a BBQ in the mountains

Trying to strangle myself at Youth Conference

Myself holding my nephew and niece

Volunteering at the Church’s canning facility

My dad, my sister, and I in Southern Utah

Myself and my sister in our family backyard

Meeker and Puff

Myself in Southern Utah

My young self riding my first real bike (wearing my favorite Utah shirt)

Crafting on the couch in the family living room

My young self in the family living room