Letters to My Future Self

I think I wrote at least three letters to myself for Young Women church activities. You can read the third, about marriage, here.

I wrote these “dating goals” at a Young Women activity when I was probably 13.

“I am going to start dating at age 16. my dates will be group dates until I am old enough to go steady (18). The men/boys that I date will be worthy of my standards & of the temple’s standards.


Definitely sounds like the original words of a 13 year-old in 1999, right?;)

I also write a letter of advice to myself at age 12. Why the church leaders thought an older, more mature version of myself would want to hear advice from a prepubescent version of myself, I do not know.

“Dear, Hayley,

Here is some advice Practice Basketball You want to be in the WNBA! Go to Mutual and church, Stay close to your family. Try and go to the UofU your favorite car is a silver Mitsubishi Eclipse. You love Icecream and McDonalds French Fries. Mary some on who loves you, respect you, is rich, and cute. Have a good life and enjoy it dont do drugs, drink or anything unsafe for your body HAVE A GOOD DAY!


Hayley Labrum”