When a child reaches age eleven they can be interviewed and obtain a recommend to enter the temple.

The child is asked a series of questions (see list below) about their testimony and cleanliness by a member of their congregation’s Bishopric (the Bishop, his first counselor, or his second counselor) in a 1:1 meeting to determine if they are worthy of a “Limited-Use Recommend” (see photo to the left). A Limited-Use-Recommend is shown at the temple front desk to gain entrance. Once inside the temple, the child can act as a proxy for the dead in baptismal and confirmation ceremonies.

Church members are eligible to receive a standard “Temple Recommend” once they reach the age of 18 and undergo a similar 1:1 interview with a bishopric member with similar but more adult questions and with a member of their steak presidency (a regional leader) with the same list of questions as the bishopric member. If the church member is deemed worthy, they receive a temple recommend, which they can show at the front desk of the temple for admittance. The first time an adult enters the temple, they complete Washing and Anointing and Endowment ceremonies for themself. They are then eligible to be sealed/married in the temple to a member of the opposite sex (after both are interviewed again) for time and eternity and to return to the temple to serve as a proxy to complete the same ordinances and covenants for the dead as long as their recommend is valid.

Temple Recommend (and Temple Work)