Jesus Visits Mary

Mary and the Resurrected Lord, by Harry Anderson

This painting is one that a young Hayley might have called her “favorite painting of Jesus” and maybe even one that she would aspire to paint like herself. I liked it because not only did it depict a joyous moment for mankind - the Lord after his resurrection, but it emphasized that he chose to first appear to a woman in this transcendent form. I clung to that New Testament nugget as proof of worth.

Often displayed in church building rooms where women and young women meet, the piece was indeed meant to inspire girls and women, but not too much. Though they might be worthy enough to be in Christ’s presence, they are not worthy enough to receive revelation from Him or Heavenly Father for anyone but themselves and maybe their children. But, their husbands and male church leaders can always trump them with their revelation.

Mary and Martha, by Del Parson